
Martin Luther!

The meeting was blessed!

Before his message Pastor Kobayasi told us that the hymn of “God is our watchtower” was composed by Martin Luther. To tell the truth, it was the best favorite hymn of Pastor Akimoto. He told us that Luther had a deep feeling for praising to the Lord.


The message was from Luke 14:25-34, telling us about the blessings of becoming His disciples and that God would manifest His works through those who obey Him !

Praise time led by Pastor !

Praise time led by Pastor !

Special praise time !

Pastor Joseph Sanbonmatsu’s team sang a praise song called “Like a stream in Negev.”

Short message 2

Pastor Peter Nagato spoke a message from Colossians 1:9 !

Short message !

The first one is Pastor Timothy Kobayashi !

He spoke a message from Acts 10:34 !

Start of the charismating meeting !

Pastor Yamada, the MC leads the meeting !

the first-half praise time